Monday 22 August 2011

Diary Entry (Blackie)

Diary Entry (Blackie)
It was only 5 hours away now. I lay in bed, wide awake, with not the slightest feeling of tiredness. A sleepless night, that’s exactly what I needed before the most important game of the year. It usually takes me around 10 minutes to drift off, but not tonight, I was far too nervous. I have to play the ruck, a fairly good position. The amount of pressure I felt was unbelievable, making me sick to the stomach.
 What if I stuff it up? What if I embarrass myself? I didn’t want to let down my team, and most of all I didn’t want to disappoint my family, my dad specifically, that’s if he could drag himself from the pub.
Maybe I should start thinking more positively, stop being so anxious about the game. After all it was just a footy game, I’m overanalysing it, psyching myself out. I cleared my thoughts.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

My parents named me Giulia, simply because they like the name.It's spelt the Italian way because my dad is Italian. I have two middle names. Elizabeth who were the names of two of my aunts, and ada my great grandmothers' name.
My mate Rhianna is a great girl. We've been friends for almost 10 years.
she's a very nice caring friend, not to mention as pretty as a picture, with her long golden curls.